This voucher entitles the bearer to goods and/or services from Beadazzle to the value as selected above.
Please note that once you have purchased this voucher, you will receive an email containing your order confirmation and the voucher. You will need to forward this Gift Voucher to the intended recipient.
If you would like a physical voucher, please make your purchase and then email us at info@beadazzle.co.nz so we can arrange this for you. If you would like a custom denomination please contact us.
Terms & Conditions:
This voucher is valid forever! Beadazzle is not liable for lost or stolen vouchers.
Voucher is redeemable online or in-store. If you are using the voucher in-store and don't use the full amount on one purchase, you will receive the remaining amount in a new voucher. Change up to $5 given per transaction when using the voucher in-store.
Use of voucher does not earn loyalty points.
If you require a GST receipt please contact us and supply your postal address.